We're here to help for Wood Framing and Structural Steel -
from historic building restoration to public school seismic upgrades, and from high end tree houses to half million square foot apartment complexes!
Reach out to [email protected] or give us a call at (360) 605-9803 and we'd be happy to see what kind of fit we can come up with for you.
500K+ SF APARTMENTS,HISTORIC BUILDINGS, COMMERCIAL SPACE,OR YOUR LOCAL GROCERY STORE...Miller's Sons Contracting, LLC. is a family-owned framing company operating in the PNW, specializing in wood framing and structural steel.
Once we're on a General Contractor's team, our goal is to figure out how we can minimize the time we are on your critical path, and to figure out how we can help the WHOLE team (other subs, inspectors, GC, etc.) save time and money, whether through VE's or better coordination or communication. Regardless of what your project may be, we're here to help with CAD modelling, our lessons learned database, and a passion for helping you and your project be successful! |
REDEFINING THE BUILDING PROCESS WITH LUMBER OPTIMIZATIONAccurate, Efficient & SustainableThere are a lot of benefits the projects gain by running it through our modelling process, some of which include: - Providing the opportunity for the top and bottom plates of the walls to be printed and cut on our automated machine, ensuring precision layout and a structure that precisely matches the design |